Öksüt Madencilik A.Ş. (OMAS) aims loss control to the entire organization to ensure business continuity by focusing on human to eliminate possible unsafe and unsecure behaviors or conditions during the life of the company. OMAS recognizes the protection of the health and safety of its employees, contractors and the public as among the highest corporate priorities at all stages of our activities including, exploration, construction, commissioning, operations and decommissioning. It is committed to the safety motto that “no job is so important that we cannot take the time to do it safely”

And to the following;

  • compliance with applicable laws, and regulations of the jurisdictions in which we operate, and generally accepted international industry practices and international standards ( SEVESO, ISO, ICMC etc..)
  • providing employees and contractors with a working environment free of uncontrolled hazards,
  • identifying and eliminating or controlling potential risks to health and safety of employees, contractors and the public to levels as low as reasonably achievable, social and economic factors being taken into account,
  • building a team-based culture of excellence that, responsibly delivers sustainable value and growth,
  • achieving continual awareness of and improvement to our overall safety and health performance.

In support of these commitments, OMAS will;

  • implement and maintain a formal health and safety management system with contribution of every member of organization as visible felt leadership
  • identify the significant health and safety hazards and risks associated with activities as mitigation of fatal risks approach
  • set objectives and goals so as to improve continually our health and safety management and performance,
  • identify the potential for incidents, and emergency situations and develop, maintain and test emergency response plans which provide for the protection of the health and safety of our employees, the public, and the communities adjacent to our operations,
  • undertake constructive dialogue with the communities located near our operations regarding safety issues,
  • conduct regular audits to assess and ensure conformance to this policy,
  • engage in constructive communication of this policy with all employees and relevant contractors and suppliers so they are aware of, and able to comply with their health and safety responsibilities in a manner appropriate to their role in the organization, and to encourage them to make contributions to OMAS’s Health and Safety Management System,
  • provide employees at all levels with appropriate training so as to allow them to carry out their health and safety duties and responsibilities,
  • assign, implement and monitor responsibilities and accountabilities of each level employees in the content of “Work Safe Home Safe” leadership program
  • deliver results in continuous improvement with “win as a team” culture as responsible miners
  • ensure the participation of employees in the development and implementation of health and safety programs and procedures associated with their work places,
  • provide adequate and appropriate resources to implement this policy and to assess new opportunities make this policy available to the public.
  • It is aimed at ensuring that this policy reaches the relevant stakeholders.

Our Company is bound by the provisions of the "Regulation on Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents and Lessening Their Adverse Impacts". The notification stipulated in Article 7 of the above-cited Regulation was made using the Notification System of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization (BEKRA). In the framework of the BEKRA Notification, our Company has been designated as a "High-Level" establishment. Pursuant to Article 11 of the Regulation, our Company has drawn up a "Safety Report". Please click here for information.